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Alain Déchorgnat


retourStena Baltica (ex Cotentin)

Saint-Malo (2010-01-07) - Cotentin reaching St-Malo (photo Denis Bernard)
Saint-Malo (2010-01-07)
Cotentin reaching St-Malo (photo Denis Bernard)

 Flag France 
 Length165 m 
 Breadth26.8 m
 Draught6.5 m 
 Gross Tonnage19909 t 
 Speed23 knt 
 Year of build2007 
 ShipyardSTX Finland à Rauma  

The Cotentin is a 165 meters vessel, which can reach speeds of 23 knots, with a capacity of 120 trucks, with cabs for drivers. Delivered in November 2007, she provides the Portsmouth-Cherbourg route every day, weekdays, and Santander (Spain)/Portsmouth at the weekend. She replaced Coutances that could carry only 65 trailers.

The Cotentin was the subject of a comprehensive story in the french journal 'Navires & marine marchande' No. 36 of July 2008.

Cotentin is chartered by the company Stena NORTH SEA Ltd in November 2013. She
is operated between Poland and Sweden's, under the United Kingdom flag during its charter. She is renamed Stena Baltica.

Surprise stop in Saint-Malo

Because of the snowy episode that occurred in Western France January 7, 2010, Brittany Ferries' Cotentin has changed its port of embarkation. Instead of calling at Cherbourg, as usual, to reach England, the ship was diverted to St. Malo. This decision was taken because of the difficulty for trucks to reach the port of Cherbourg, a traffic ban was in force.

Last update : 2016-01-09